Thursday, October 6, 2011

Have you played Left 4 Dead?

If you haven't I will tell you it's an awesome game. There are 2 Left 4 Dead games but I will only focuse on part 1 for now.

(Video Game Cover)
It contains gore (violence) and strong language.

What happned?
In Pennsylvania there was a out-break called the "Green Flu". The Green Flu is a so called "flu" that is like transmittable rabies-like virus which manifests itself as massively increased aggression and the loss of many higher brain functions within the person that has the flu. There are Immune and Inimmune people. Immune people are people that can't get infected. Inimmune people are people who can get infected.

~ GAME ~
It's a 1st person game. If you play online and want to chose a character you have to chose quick before another player takes the character you want to play as.


Meet the 4 survivors

Bill - In his fifties or early sixties, Bill is the oldest out of the 4 servivers. He is a Vietnam veteran who fought in the U.S. Army 1st speacial forces group and his combat skills have helped him servive the Zombie Apocolypse.
Francis - The second oldest of the group, Francis is a biker and has anger issues claiming that eh hates everything and such.
Louis - A young man who worked in as an assistant manager at a local retail electronics chain store.
Zoey - Her first year as a college student (maybe at least 18 years) but due to the break out now she has to survive the Zombie Apocalypse.

Meet the zombies!

Common Infected -
These infected's are mindless they will just come at you and try to beat you. These are called the Commons because they are the most faced enemies. These infected's are very easy to kill. What attack's do they do? Well all they can really do is claw and kick you. I wouldn't underestimate the Commons though. They also come in "Horde", a Horde is up to several dozens commons together witch can be quite frustrating especially when you are trying just to run. How does the Horde come? Well if you do anything very loud such as touching or shooting a car with a car alarm you can alert the horde. I will also say if your just running away from a couple of commons and their right behind you, if one of them hit you you will be stopped and you will be forced to kill them before more comes and start clawing at you.


Watch out for them!
These are people who had bin heavily infected. They are smarter and have special abilities. They don't appear much as the commons do.

SMOKER - (Can only be males)
Pretty much a person who usto smoke.
A Smoker is a pretty hard to kill. Smoker's are usually on top of buildings or windows. What do they do? Well they have very long tongues, they use them whip like, they also come out very fast, the Smoker's tongue is very long that they can latch their tongue out to a survivor from another building. They wrap their tongues around the survivor and drag them from a distance . If you get caught by a Smoker pretty much you are dead until you are saved by a team mate. When you meet up with the Smoker he will start clawing at you or get's help from Commons and let them do the job to kill you. If you don't meet up with the Smoker if some obstacle is in the way, then the Smoker will instead choke the survivor with it's tongue. What does the team mate do when his/her other team mate is caught? Shoot the tongue or hit it or just shoot the Smoker, the Smoker's tongue gets sliced (if hit), so it runs so he can wait until his new tongue is grown back to snatch some survivors for snack. How do I know when there is a Smoker?! Well Smoker's give out violent coughs giving away their presence/identities either one, or listen to the music! The music also alerts you when a Smoker is near by ( )


(Smoker gots Francis!)

BOOMER -  (Male in part 1) (Female and Male in Part 2)
Yuck they are the grosses Specials.
A Boomer vomits a special bile on the survivor. When a survivor gets vomited they wil be blinded AND a bunch of commons will be after you. Somehow the Boomer's bile attracts the commons. Watch out! If the boomer is too close to you don't shoot him, if you do you will get hurt! Try just to push the Boomer away from you when it's far shoot him! Just listen if the Boomer is close. How? Well if you hear gurgling nasty like noises then there is a boomer or hear the warning sign

(Boomer, nasty isn't he?)

(When a Boomer vomits yuck)

HUNTER - (Male only)
Hunter's are my most favorite infected!.....but they are very deadly
Hunter's are very sneaky. Hunter's have incredible strength on their legs. What do they do? Well the pounce, climb, and stalk. Hunter's are very dangerous infected. If your alone all your teammates are dead or you are just leaving them behind (It's okay I do it sometimes!) or if your being LEFT behind then it's a possibility to get pounced! A Hunter goes to high places. How do they attack?! Well they first crouch and then they leap off very high and fast. Once a Hunter pins you they will start clawing at your stomach. Hunter's have very sharp claws that can break a door down easily (oh yeah none of these infected's can't open doors). How do I get a Hunter off of me? Well you can't, you have to wait till a teammate comes and help you, thy have to shoot the hunter or push him off of you.
 (Hunter Crawl)
 (Hunter Stand. Hunters can't stand that straight becouse they crouch alot) (Hunter Warning)

~ Witch ~
She sobs and sobs....and sobs.....
She is very dangerouse don't ditsurbe her if you do your dead, one strike on you your down. Usually I would just avoid her but if she is in your way then you have no choice but to kill her. She has very large claws, if you get close to her and you hear her growls then she is obviously getting angry and then she will start attacking you (if she starts screaming). How do I stop a witch? Well you just have to keep shooting her until she dies.
(Witch gonna attack)

~ TANK ~
Tank's can appear out of nowhere! so watch out! They a very strong and large special infected! If he hits you witch his huge arm you will fall and you will have too wait till you get back up but if the Tank is still attacking you then you will just have to wait till one of your team mates gets you back up. The Tank can also can throw you a piece of the ground so look out on that too. How do I kill a Tank? You have to throw a Molotov (a bottle, when thrown fire starts spreading) at him and keep shooting him (while running away from him) until he dies.


AMMO PACK - When you ran out of ammo for your gun, quickly go to an ammo pack to get ammo




ASSAULT RIFLE - I love these guns allot! (Good for killing allot of Commons/Horde)

HUNTING RIFLE - Good for getting Smokers

M1911 PISTOL - They are unlimited ammo, it's always good to get double pistol though

 - AXE
and more weapons I don't feel like looking for lol


- PIPE BOMB - It's good to throw it when there is a Horde. When you throw it the commons go after it.




Well I feel like a wiki now.......anyways yes Play Left 4 Dead it's available on PC and Xbox 360

(All Images found in Google! And Vids from YouTube)

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