Thursday, December 22, 2011

Left 4 Dead 2 and Fan Arts!

How about a little intro on Left 4 Dead 2

As you can see there is a Left 4 Dead 2

Yeah get it while you can! The game is just pure awesomeness! Well let's see what VALVE has changed


Re - Your Brains

*This is Left 4 Dead 1*
Elbow - Grounds For Divorce


ELLIS - (I like playing as Ellis because he is pretty funny and the best lookin in this game)
Ellis a mechanic ,likes hanging out with his friends and just loves messing around. Ellis from the 4 survivors likes to lighten the mood up. He is the youngest from the group and can be a bit immature at times heh and he is a country guy.

NICK - (He would be my second preferred because he can be funny at times *in my opinion*)
He is a gambler with a shady/violent past. Nick is pretty much the complainer in the group he pretty much just say negative thing's.

COACH - (The man who would prefer a CHEESE BURGER APOCALYPSE then a Zombie one lol)
A High School Health Teacher and a freshman football team coach.

Coach photo.png

ROCHELLE - (I don't really like her so I don't play as her.....I just pretty much think she is lame)
This girl is an associate producer on television news station. That is how she got ended up in the Zombie Apocalypse since her job was to search for more news about the Green Flu.

(She is in the CEDA lab)


-Meet the CHARGER- (Watch out! He is one charging big armed infected!)

The Charger. This infected Charges at you and slams you down into the ground and repeats the same thing untill a team mate kill him. The charger has bad set of direction, once he charges he stay in that path so try to jump out of his way.

-SPITTER- (The most ugliest infected I have ever seen!!!!)

OUGH GROSS!!! The Spitter has the ability to spit acid from her mouth so try not to get into it!!! She is simple to kill that is all she pretty much does. If you kill her when she is attacking a fallen survivor the acid will come out of her acid and might hurt the fallen survivor so you will have to wait till it clears up or your team mate to die.


Another horrible thing has enter Left 4 Dead. The Jockey is a special infected who rides on you and bites you. He wraps his arm's and legs around your neck and head so yeah watch out for those disturbing thing's.

FEMALE BOOMER- Well now there is a female boomer, not putting a picture of a female boomer cuz she is that ugly, nothing much changed just the usual vomit


CEDAWorker.jpg- Fire proof watch out! (Achievement? ROB HIS BILE BOMB!)
(Only in the Dead Center)
FallenSurvivor.png- He only appears in the "Passing" (so pretty much you have to buy the map) He just has weapons you might need heh ssssooo.......STEEL FROM HIM!

Clown.jpg-Oh kill him! He attracts the Horde! (Want an achievement? Honk the noses of 10 clowns! I did it) (Only in Dark Carnival)


Ohh watch out for them! They hit you, you get mud on your screen! (Only in Swamp Fever) (Achievement? Kill 10 swampy Mudman in the water!)


Pipe Bomb wont work for him, and bile bomb wont work for him?! Okay? Hey I shot him in the head he didn't die!
Well he is protected duh! He can't hear the pipe bomb, his hard hat is protecting him

- RIOT -

Body Armor? Oh crap, Bullets wont work for him...beating him to death won't work.....bile bomb does not work for him....not even a pipe bomb?! Well the only unprotected place you can kill him is on the back so turn him around and hit!

JimmyGibbsJr.png- A famous Car Racer so take a pic with him! ^^ Well this infected takes longer to kill so kill him!


 Oh why did they do this to him?! (oh well he still looks pretty cool to me)

SMOKER- Oh come on he looks worst *sigh*
 Why did they put a very huge tumor on him?!

OH! OH! Now the Witch walks?! Watch out for her!
-New BOMB!-
- Makes the infected fight each other! O_o

~How about some awesome Left 4 Dead Fan Art's from Deviant Art!!!~


- Uh Chibi Smoker


COMMON- (Well I just really like the Commons)

- Poor Common the Hunter wont leave him alone
-How about GMOD?-

-lololololol!!! Having fun in an Apocalypse!

Hope you guys liked it!

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